Our Animals

The furry and feathered friends at Black Shed are an important part of the family. We raise our animals on pasture, giving them access to shelter but making sure they have plenty of space to roam and forage for all or part of their diets. We ask that children remain supervised while visiting or interacting with any of our livestock. Please be considerate of our beloved animals and recognize that like rest of us, they all have their boundaries.



We raise a large variety of show chickens at Black Shed; the majority are egg-layers that provide the delicious eggs we use for those sweet and savory treats in our café. From spring through fall, we have up to 100 chickens running around our 28 acres. You’ll love learning each of their distinct personalities, and seeing the wide assortment of richly-colored eggs our happy, free-range chickens give us every morning.


The ducks are the little clowns on our property. They are goofy, clumsy and loud, and you will thoroughly enjoy watching their antics. We raise three types of breeds for their eggs: Cayuga, Harlequin and Magpie ducks.



Our Pygmy goats bring the comic relief to the yard. Friendly, talkative, curious, and endlessly bouncy, it’s no wonder they are instant mood lifters. Our goats are free to roam the pastures to munch on longer grasses, wildflowers and weeds. Goats are naturally curious and may also nibble on things that catch their eye, which on occasion could include buttons, zippers and ponytails. And no, we don’t host goat yoga classes... at least, not yet!


Two of the friendliest animals on the farm are our cats, Fig & Olive. You might spy them hunting for mice, sleeping in the sun, or greeting guests at the shop.